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FRENCH COLOURS - Les Couleurs - Colour by Numbers - Worksheets

FRENCH COLOURS - Les Couleurs - Colour by Numbers - Worksheets

A fun way to learn the names of colours in French. Helps also with word recognition. Also useful for early finishers. I have included the colours: bleu clair/blue foncé and vert clair/vert foncé. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE AN ISSUE WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN PRINTS TO SHOW THAT THERE WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM WHEN THIS RESOURCE IS DOWNLOADED. Categories


11 weather phrases in Spanish to label. I have set out the phrases, grouping those together which share the same pattern. This might be of help when students are meeting them for the first time. The extension graduated worksheet is to practice how to use weather expressions to give a simple weather forecast, useful for introducing Spanish cities and where they are situated. There is also a tick report for practising days of the week. Finally there is a connect 4 game. There are 7 files in total. Any feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s TO SHOW HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - School Uniform - l'Uniforme Scolaire

FRENCH - School Uniform - l'Uniforme Scolaire

A range of activities to learn and practice how to talk about a school uniform. There is a label items of clothing and footwear activity. Revision for adjectival agreement, where answers are provided. Two dialogues from children describing their school uniform and their opinion of it, with questions to answer. Students also have to describe their school uniform and justify their opinion of it. There is a crossword puzzel to reinforce school uniform vocabulary and an answer sheet provided. Finally there is a ‘Blockbuster’ game. Instructions are provided. Resource contains 7 files. If you consider this resource worth buying ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE REVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s SO THAT YOU CAN SEE WHAT THE WORKSHEETS LOOK LIKE WHEN DOWNLOADED.
French - Le Monde Francophone - Worksheets

French - Le Monde Francophone - Worksheets

A selection of activities to learn about Francophone countries. Resource includes: gap-fill and colour flags label African francophone countries naming continents of francophone countries labeling francophone country flags capitals of francophone countries Completed worksheets are included. Resource includes 8 files. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS i HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN SHOTS TO SHOW HOW THE FILES WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. My thanks to clker.com and cliparts.co for the clipart images.
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - NOËL - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - NOËL - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

A selection of Christmas colour by numbers worksheets. A fun way to practise the names of colours in French. Helps also with word recognition. Also useful for early finishers. I have included the colours: bleu clair/blue foncé and vert clair/vert foncé. There is also a Christmas Tree decorated with familiar objects to colour and one decorated with Christmas objects. A great way to reinforce vocabulary already taught. Resource contains 9 files. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un tres grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à tous! AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s TO SHOW HOW THE WORD DOCUMENTS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. My thanks to clker.com and cliparts.co for the use of the clipart images
FRENCH - Fruit and vegetables - Les Fruits et les Légumes - Worksheets

FRENCH - Fruit and vegetables - Les Fruits et les Légumes - Worksheets

An introduction to the names of 12 fruits and 10 vegetables in French. L/O is to label the fruits and the vegetables from vocabulary in a box. There is also a worksheet with 8 fruits and 6 vegetables depending on the age of children you need it for. A follow on worksheet introduces the expressions ‘J’aime, j’adore, je n’aime pas et je déteste.’ There is also a 'Q’est-ce que tu aimes manger? worksheet with answers given. This resource also contains a comprehension worksheet with dialogues from four children giving their opinions of fruit and vegetables, together with a question worksheet. Answers to the questions are included. There is also a crossword puzzle and a completed teacher copy. There are 11 files in total. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Please take a moment to comment. Your feedback is much appreciated. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN SHOTS TO SHOW HOW WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - HOBBIES - Mes Loisirs - Worksheets

FRENCH - HOBBIES - Mes Loisirs - Worksheets

Activities to practise saying which activites children engage in and which ones they don’t engage in in their spare time. Revises eight past-time activities. Also recaps name and age. Follow-on worksheets includes questions to accompany the ‘dialogue’ worksheets. There is also one answer worksheet. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ DUE TO TES HAVING PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS, I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - WEATHER - Quel temps fait-il? - Worksheets

FRENCH - WEATHER - Quel temps fait-il? - Worksheets

Weather phrases to match and write out under pictures. I have set out the phrases, grouping those together which share the same pattern. This might be of help when children are meeting them for the first time. The extension graduated worksheet is to practice how to use weather expressions to give a simple weather forecast Useful for introducing French cities and where they are situated. Any feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
French - On the Beach at the Sea - Sur la Plage à la Mer - Worksheets

French - On the Beach at the Sea - Sur la Plage à la Mer - Worksheets

An introduction to sea and beach vocabulary. Includes 13 pictures: un château de sable un drapeau un bateau un seau un phare un parasol un crabe un ballon de plage un rocher un coquillage une étoile de mer une pelle une serviette Resource includes: 2 labelling exercises a revision label pics from memory il y a prepositions describe a beach scene (model example is also included) blockbuster game Resource includes 10 files AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREENSHOTS TO SHOW HOW THE FILES LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED
FRENCH - Expressions used with AVOIR - Worksheets

FRENCH - Expressions used with AVOIR - Worksheets

A fun way to practice the verb ‘avoir.’ Particularly as the French use the verb ‘to have’ differently to the way we use it. The first worksheet introduces the expressions. How many will your students be able to work out? My students really enjoyed this activity. After all, making learning a language fun is what it’s all about. Keeping the kids motivated and interested, means we must be doing a great job. There is a follow-on worksheet to practice using the expressions in sentences. Also includes an answer sheet. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’


A selection of worksheets, including gap-fill exercises to practice the French modal verbs, vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. Also included is a ‘teacher’ colour copy. If you consider this worth buying ‘un très grand merci.’ Please spare a moment to leave a comment. Your feedback is really appreciated.
FRENCH - CLOTHING - Des Vêtements KS2 - Worksheets

FRENCH - CLOTHING - Des Vêtements KS2 - Worksheets

A fun introduction to practise names for items of clothing in French. I have chosen outlines of images so that instuctions can be given as to what colour each item of clothing is. Useful for colour agreement when describing feminine nouns. My kids loved the washing machine and washing line exercise. There is a ‘teacher copy’ of the ‘clothes crossword puzle.’ If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
Le verbe 'avoir'

Le verbe 'avoir'

Introduction to the present tense of the verb ‘avoir’. Gap fill exercises. Please taek the time to comment. Feedback is always appreciated.
FRENCH -  RÉVISION - Present Tense Regular -er, -ir, -re Verbs - Worksheets

FRENCH - RÉVISION - Present Tense Regular -er, -ir, -re Verbs - Worksheets

Gap-fill exercises to revise and practice conjugating regular, -er, -ir, and -re regular verbs. Answer worksheets are included. Feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Resource has been ammended. A test with answer sheet has been included. Contains 8 files. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PRINT REVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S TO SHOW HOW THE WORD DOCUMENT WORKSHEETS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH  - RÉVISION - Present Tense Regular -er, -ir, -re Verbs - Worksheets

FRENCH - RÉVISION - Present Tense Regular -er, -ir, -re Verbs - Worksheets

Gap-fill exercises to revise and practice conjugating regular, -er, -ir, and -re regular verbs. Answer sheets are included. Feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Resource has been ammended. A test with answer sheet has been included. Contains 8 files. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT REVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S AND SCREENPRINTS TO SHOW HOW THE WORKSHEETS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - All about me - Tout Sur Moi et Je Me Présente - Worksheets

FRENCH - All about me - Tout Sur Moi et Je Me Présente - Worksheets

A selection of worksheets for getting to know all about your students at the start of the school year. Good exercise for finding out what the children already know. Covers: name, age, family members, colours, animals, food, personalities, hobbies and school subjects/likes and dislikes. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
Aller et au, à la ou aux

Aller et au, à la ou aux

Revision of the verb aller together with the expression 'to the'. Gap fill sentences to say where each person is going to in a typical town.
Using negatives

Using negatives

Pupils are given a sentence and have to change it into a negative one. Use of j'ai, je suis, and il y a.Space has been left for pupils to add their own sentences. Feedback as to how successful this worksheet was, would be much appreciated.
FRENCH - Food and drinks activities - Worksheets

FRENCH - Food and drinks activities - Worksheets

A selection of activities on the topic of food and drink. Contents: A ‘matching words to 20 images’ to complete. A worksheet listing healthy and unhealthy food & drinks. A worksheet focusing on using opinions and justifying those opinions. (includes completed teacher copy ) A simple story about a boy who is always hungry with questions to answer in French or English. Finally there are two place setting where children have to design and label a healthy meal and an unhealthy meal. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Comments and feedback is always welcome. The last worksheet added has been amended.
FRENCH - Where I live - en, au et aux

FRENCH - Where I live - en, au et aux

A selections of activities to practice saying where you live. Exercises for saying what country you live in and what city. Introduces names of 22 countries. There is a matching flag to name of country exercise and flags to colour and label. There is an exercise to learn how to say what country you are from and an exercise to say what languages you speak. There is also a crossword puzzel to complete of country names. There are two answer worksheets. Finally there is a test. There are 12 files in total. If you consider this worth buying ’ un très grand merci.’ **DUE TO TES CONTINUING TO HAVE PROBLEM SHOWING PRINT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLDED PDF's SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORKSHEETS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.**